FiledIMAGE has been operating since 2008 in Melbourne, Australia. Owner, Chris Putnam is the primary photographer and utilizes a close network of photographers to help clients with the imagery they need and events they want to cover.
FiledIMAGE supplies regular event coverage to leading photo agencies across the globe and these include:
FiledIMAGE has worked directly for both Australian and international brands. These include:
Concert related imagery
Concert related imagery
Event coverage
Tour programme concert imagery
Event coverage
Event coverage
FiledIMAGE also supplies 14 stock libraries for agencies such as Adobe Stock and Envato with over 21,000 unique images online.
With deep image distribution, FiledIMAGE has been published in many publications around the world. Some of which include the below brands. Examples of published work can be seen in the 'Press Clippings' page in the menu above